Home Health 4 Conditions That Make Men Grow Gray Hair Prematurely

4 Conditions That Make Men Grow Gray Hair Prematurely

4 Conditions That Make Men Grow Gray Hair Prematurely

1. Genetics

Some males may be genetically predisposed to dye hair earlier than their contemporaries. Many people experience hair loss in their 30s and 40s. However, there are some men over 60 who have a substantial amount of gray hair, but have never used hair dye. They have been doing it for a long time, perhaps starting with births in the family.

2. Stress

Some people may have premature aging of their hair due to the effects of stress on the body and mind. Multiple stress-related disorders have been linked to an accelerated aging process, making a person look older than they really are.

3. Not getting enough of a certain nutrient

Not getting enough of a certain nutrient in your diet can make you look older than you are and cause your hair to turn gray faster than it otherwise would. Low levels of iron, magnesium and other trace elements in this category are extremely common.

4. Use of certain drugs

It is possible that the early onset of gray hair is due, in part, to the use of certain drugs. Keep an eye out for men who are lathering their beards with shaving cream. Because of the powerful nature of the stench, they paint their beards white before washing them. They have been using a chemically degrading shaving solution for years, and now their beards are turning gray.
