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5 sure signs he will always be honest with you

Have you ever been betrayed by your partner? Maybe he hurt you deeply when he cheated on you, and the pain still lingers.

But he looks different now. He is apologetic, attentive, and promises to change. You want to think he will not stray again.

In this post, we’ll go over several ways to tell if your boyfriend has truly recognized the mistake of his ways or if it’s all an act.

1. He’s open and transparent with you

A big sign a man is serious about changing his ways and won’t cheat again is that he’s completely transparent with you.

For example, he goes out of his way to be open and honest with you. He answers all your questions fully and truthfully.

He tells you where he’s been and who he’s with without you having to ask. He also gives you access to his phone and laptop to prove he has nothing to hide.

Transparency builds trust. By being an open book, he shows you his commitment to building a healthy relationship based on honesty and faithfulness.

2. He shows genuine remorse for his actions

Is your man genuinely remorseful for his actions? Has he apologized sincerely and taken full responsibility for what he did?

When a man is truly sorry for cheating, his actions will show it. Here are some things a man will do if he won’t cheat again:

• He’ll openly admit he made a mistake and take responsibility for his actions. No excuses or blaming you.

• He’ll answer any questions you have honestly and without defensiveness. He wants to regain your trust, so he’ll be an open book.

• He’ll express regret for the pain he caused you. He’ll say he understands why you felt hurt and betrayed, and that he never wants to put you through that again.

• He’ll commit to making things right. He’ll ask what he can do to make you feel secure in the relationship again. Whether it’s being transparent about his whereabouts or checking in more often, he’ll follow through.

• He’ll take steps to avoid repeating his mistake. This could mean cutting off contact with the other woman, being more open with his communication, or even going for relationship counseling. This shows he’s willing to put in the work.

3. He has completely cut off contact with his affair partner

A clear sign a man has changed his ways and won’t cheat again is that he has severed all ties with the person he cheated on you with.

Has he stopped calling, texting, emailing, and meeting up with his former fling?

If so, that’s a good indicator he wants to make your relationship work and avoid temptation.

Cutting off an affair partner cold turkey requires discipline and commitment to you.

It may have been difficult for him, but he realized continuing any kind of relationship with that person would damage the trust and intimacy he’s trying to rebuild with you.

By ending all communication, he’s pledging his devotion to you and your relationship. And that’s a really good sign!

4. He’s actively seeking help from a counselor or therapist

Another sure sign he won’t cheat again is that he’s willing to go for counseling to fix your relationship.

A man who is truly committed to change will seek professional help to address the underlying issues that led to his infidelity.

5. He’s working to rebuild trust in the relationship

A cheater who has truly changed and is ready to stay faithful will go the extra mile to regain your trust.

He’ll be fully transparent, honest, and accountable for his actions.

He’ll give you access to his devices and accounts without question because he wants you to see he has nothing to hide.

He’ll check in frequently and be open about his whereabouts and plans. If he says he’ll be home at 6 pm, he’ll walk through the door at 6 pm on the dot.

He’ll understand you need reassurance and will patiently answer any questions you have about the affair or his day.
A reformed cheater on the path to change will value your faith in him above all else and won’t do anything to jeopardize your newfound connection.