8 things that men do when they are unhappy in a relationship
Men who are dissatisfied with their relationships are horrible at hiding it. Often they send little signals that something is wrong without even realizing it, growing colder and more detached as time goes on.
To help you discover the more or less hidden signs that your man might be unhappy we came up with the following list of frequent behaviors and actions

1. He stops sharing his feelings
Most men aren’t exactly chatty. They don’t usually talk about their feelings or even express their emotions. But if a man loves and respects his partner, he will tell her how he feels about her — including the good stuff and the bad stuff.
He may argue with her at times, but deep down, he cares about her. However, if a man suddenly stops letting you know his thoughts and feelings, it might be because he is unhappy in his relationship.
2. He starts to forget things
If your man starts to forget things like anniversaries, birthdays, and even things you told him the previous day or week, likely, he doesn’t enjoy spending time with you anymore, so he ignores whatever you are saying. This could mean that he is unhappy in his relationship with you.
3. He becomes physically and emotionally distant
When a guy is unhappy in his relationship, he becomes distant and withdrawn.
You call him, but he doesn’t answer the phone. You text him, but you get no response. When he eventually picks up, he tells you he’s busy because his work has been challenging lately, and he’s working late every night. But then he gets home from being out with his friends and posts a photo of himself having fun on Instagram without you in it.
It looks like he had a pretty fantastic time hanging out with his friends…without you. Then the next day, you text him again while he’s at work and ask him if he wants to get together after work for dinner and drinks, which you usually do together. He says he can’t because he doesn’t feel well and has to stay home to rest up for work tomorrow.
In other words, he’s making excuses not to spend any time with you. A man who is happy in his relationship will not do this!
4. He stops making an effort with you
If a man is happy in his relationship, he will make an effort with his partner because he cares about her and wants his relationship with her to work. So, if a man isn’t happy in his relationship, he’ll stop making the effort needed for the relationship to work.
5. He avoids spending time with you and others
A guy who is unhappy in his relationship may avoid spending time with other couples and make excuses for why he can’t get together with you and your friends.
He might be afraid they will find out he’s not happy. This is especially true if he used to like going on double dates and hanging out with your friends.
6. He has strange habits
Some men often develop strange habits when they’re unhappy in their relationships e.g drinking too much alcohol, smoking cigarettes excessively, spending too much time playing video games, or spending too much time on social media.
If you notice your boyfriend has picked up a self-destructive habit alongside the other signs, he might be unhappy in his relationship.
7. He talks about his female friends/co-workers a lot.
If he keeps going on and on about the same coworker or female friend more often than he used to, something might be off. But pay attention to the context of which he speaks about this woman.
Knowing about a female friend’s marital problems or weekend activities should immediately signal warning signs. Why the sudden interest and focus on this woman? Why is he getting so involved in her life? Why does he care so much?
You might think him telling you all about it means nothing fishy is going on behind your back – he wouldn’t dare chєαt on you with her and then come home, look you in the eye and share office stories about her… Would he? It might mean nothing, or it might mean that he has started to shift his attention to this other woman… While at the same time losing interest in you.