Home Health Reason Why You Shouldn’t Telling A Man How Many Times You Sleep...

Reason Why You Shouldn’t Telling A Man How Many Times You Sleep With Before You Met Him?

Reason Why You Shouldn’t Telling A Man How Many Times You Sleep With Before You Met Him?

1. Women never reveal their body count to a man they are in a relationship with.

Ladies have made this mistake out of love and it has led to the end of their relationship or marriage.

Many women have slept with many men out of ignorance, experimentation, or because they were naive and ended up with a high body count.

When a man asks a lady how many men she has slept with, she should tell the man she can’t remember because that is in the past and she is presently with the man and has forgotten her past.

2. A lady will not be wise to tell the truth because it will lead to the end of the relationship, especially if the lady has a high body count.

Having a high body count as a woman does not make you a bad person because most ladies with high body counts are actually good people, but they were taken for granted or used by men, which resulted in them having a high body count.
