Home Tricks-Tips Boy Catches Huge Fish All Day Long With Plastic Bottle Invention

Boy Catches Huge Fish All Day Long With Plastic Bottle Invention

Have you ever tried catching a fish with a string and a bottle?

People who live beside lakes and rivers must have definitely tried it out. Besides, with how long fishing has been in our culture, one can expect different innovations associated with it.

From line fishing to netting on a large scale, this discipline is definitely the job for a grown man. And yet, there have been innovations made by kids that would make everyone’s life easier. One such kid showed everyone how easy it was to fish with just a couple of tools. Interestingly, those tools aren’t even complicated to find.

His methods were captured on film and have received over 17 million views.

The boy began by carrying a wide metal bowl down to the river. This bowl had all the fishing supplies he would need to complete his task. But compared to most fishing trips, his tools seemed limited by comparison.

He set each of them out one by one. He had four sticks, four bottles wrapped in twine with hooks and a dough putty. With all his tools laid out on the ground, the little boy began setting up his lines.

But first, the boy needed to apply his bait. With a practiced hand, the boy stripped off chunks of the putty and applied them to the hooks. With his dough bait secured, he tossed each line into the water and plopped the bottles onto his sticks.

Most people would have had to sit and tend their lines for hours, but this boy’s method did not require nearly as long of a commitment. He let his lines rest without him, and he came back three hours later to collect his haul.

And perhaps the most surprising part of this video was how effective his alternative fishing method was. All four of his bottles brought in fish. As one commenter put it, “At such a young age he is already a great fisherman and has incredible strength. I know he will go far in life.”