Check THIS is why some men likes Curved women
Here are the 6 reasons why men crave curvy women
1. Cheerfulness
Men like a shapely woman who is always smiling, a woman who is able to feel beautiful and comfortable with others.
2. Serenity
The University of Westminster has shown how stressed men look for curvy women who have an instant calming effect.
3. The famous “curves
A man’s gaze always falls on breasts and lower backs and every man especially appreciates more the soft lines that make us curvy women stand out in particular.
4. Health
Being a curvy woman, perhaps with a few extra pounds (without this becoming a medical problem), is synonymous with vitality, health and seduction in the eyes of men.
5. Generosity
A curvy woman reminds you of your mother: confident, generous, full of love to give. And we curvy women are just like that, attentive and loving towards our man.
6. Femininity
A soft woman is pleasant to see, touch and smell; she reminds you of cuddles and hugs in which you can lose yourself. That’s why every man finds this kind of woman really sexy, because she is also able to take life as it is and enjoy everything. Trust and reliability even between the sheets….