Home Life Furious single mum turned away from swimming pool for having four kids

Furious single mum turned away from swimming pool for having four kids

Furious single mum turned away from swimming pool for having four kids

A single mum-of-four was left furious after she was turned away from a swimming pool.

LW wanted to treat her four kids to a day out at Smethwick Swimming Centre on Thursday, August 19, but they were left in floods of tears when the family weren’t allowed in for the free swim session.

Health and safety rules only permit one adult to take two children aged under eight in the pool – which is a common policy at most swimming pools.

However, the young children were left in tears after being turned away from a swimming pool due to her being the only adult, according to BL.

The 33-year-old parent from Oldbury said her children were left in floods of tears as she has no other adult who could help.

She said: “We got there at 12.50pm for the 1.15pm session, I thought I’d get there early as children can swim for free over the holidays.

“I got in there and asked if I could sign them up for the free swimming.

“That’s not fair on my children. Keelie and Alicea can swim already, I don’t see the problem.

“I can’t afford to take them on holiday as everything has gone so expensive, so I thought, great, I’d take them swimming over the holidays.”

The angry mum said she and the youngsters did a three-mile round trip for nothing.

She added: “It’s very important for them to get used to the water.

“It took us all morning to get ready for swimming.

“I’ve complained to the trust and they just said it’s their policy but I don’t think it’s fair.

“There’s a lot of single parents out there who have three or four kids.”

A spokesman for Sandwell Leisure Trust said: “Swimming pools have an under 8s swimming policy which is common practice in the industry and is in place for safety of all participants.
