Home Life Mum gives birth to identical quadruplets, defying one in 15 million odds

Mum gives birth to identical quadruplets, defying one in 15 million odds

The babies spent almost two months in hospital (Picture: Marr family)

Mother in Dallas Who Gave Birth To Identical Quadruplets Finally Allowed To Take Them Home

A mother who gave birth to identical quadruplets in a rare, one in 15 million birth, has finally been allowed to take her babies home

The 35-year-old and husband Chris welcomed their four baby boys back in March.

Harrison, Hardy Henry and Hudson (Picture: Marr family)

The quadruplets were all born by caesarean section within three minutes.

Harrison was first out, weighing 2 pounds 6 ounces, followed by Hardy at 2 pounds 10 ounces. Henry was the third to be born, at 2 pounds 6.7 ounces, and Hudson was last out at just 1 pound 15 ounces.

The little ones stayed in the neonatal intensive care unit for 10 weeks but now the family are adjusting to life at home – with hour-long feeds every three hours.

The new arrivals have spent the past two months in Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas’ NICU and the Special Care Nursery, but now the family of six are finally back at home.

Jenny went into labour at 28.5 weeks (Picture: Marr family)

Jenny joked: ‘Oh my gosh, we can’t tell them apart, it’s so bad. I actually lined them up for a photo and showed Chris and said “which one’s which?” I sent it to my family too, and nobody got it right.’

Perhaps the strangest part is that neither Jenny nor Chris have a history of multiples in their family – which makes their quadruplets even rarer.
