Home Spirituality What Does It Mean to Dream About a Guy You’ve Never Met?

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Guy You’ve Never Met?

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Guy You’ve Never Met?

Dreams are a reflection of your subconscious mind, you might not always be aware of what is going on in your subconscious mind. When this happens, it takes a little extra effort to figure out what is going on in your dreams.

1. They might be someone from your past

It’s not uncommon to dream about people from our past. But this time, you might not remember this guy, but you have meant him before.

2. You May Not Have Mr. Right in Your Real Life

You are missing something in your life. Since you do not have someone to actually play that role in your waking life, your subconscious had to make someone up for your dream. Your mysterious stranger will most likely be replaced by a real person once you find the right guy in the real world.

3. You May Want Something Else

In other cases, your subconscious is trying to give you a quality or something else that you are missing in your real life. Perhaps you feel like your significant other never pays attention to you. Your dream guy may give you just the attention you need.

4. To help you heal

If you are going through challenges or going through hurt, and you always see a guy telling you everything is going to be fine, then it means your mind is sending a to help you heal. This guy might just be a random person but since you are looking for a shoulder to lean on, your subconscious might send this guy’s image to you, because that’s what you wish for.

5. Nothing

Well, once in our lives, we are all going to have meaningless dreams. This dream about this guy you have never met could just be one of those dreams without meaning. Your dreams might be influenced by all the love or scary movies you see or books you read. And they actually do not mean anything.

Is the Guy My Soulmate?

Your subconscious chose the stranger to play the role of your soulmate, but this does not mean that they are actually your soulmate. The guy in your dreams might not even exist.

There are certainly some cases where you run into your dream guy in real life. This is not because you are prophetic though. Most of the people and images in your dreams are actually pulled from your memory. Whatever the case, he was in your life enough for your subconscious to remember him, but not enough for your conscious mind to recall him.

At the same time, you should keep in mind that your dream guy probably is not your intended soulmate and you should make romantic decisions on compatibility instead of dreams.

If you are still uncertain about why you dreamed about a guy you’ve never met, take some time to analyze your dream. Look at the exact events and situations that unfolded in your dream. There might be a symbolic element to your dream, or the guy may represent some trait or life change that you want to have. By taking a closer look at your dreams, you can figure out exactly why your dream is happening.